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(_.htmlexpr.test(_.options.prevarrow)) { _.$prevarrow.prependto(_.options.appendarrows); } if (_.htmlexpr.test(_.options.nextarrow)) { _.$nextarrow.appendto(_.options.appendarrows); } if (_.options.infinite !== true) { _.$prevarrow .addclass('slick-disabled') .attr('aria-disabled', 'true'); } } else { _.$prevarrow.add( _.$nextarrow ) .addclass('slick-hidden') .attr({ 'aria-disabled': 'true', 'tabindex': '-1' }); } } }; slick.prototype.builddots = function() { var _ = this, i, dotstring; if (_.options.dots === true && _.slidecount > _.options.slidestoshow) { dotstring = '
    '; for (i = 0; i <= _.getdotcount(); i += 1) { dotstring += '
  • ' + _.options.custompaging.call(this, _, i) + '
  • '; } dotstring += '
'; _.$dots = $(dotstring).appendto( _.options.appenddots); _.$dots.find('li').first().addclass('slick-active').attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); } }; slick.prototype.buildout = function() { var _ = this; _.$slides = _.$slider .children( _.options.slide + ':not(.slick-cloned)') .addclass('slick-slide'); _.slidecount = _.$slides.length; _.$slides.each(function(index, element) { $(element) .attr('data-slick-index', index) .data('originalstyling', $(element).attr('style') || ''); }); _.$slidescache = _.$slides; _.$slider.addclass('slick-slider'); _.$slidetrack = (_.slidecount === 0) ? $('
').appendto(_.$slider) : _.$slides.wrapall('
').parent(); _.$list = _.$slidetrack.wrap( '
').parent(); _.$slidetrack.css('opacity', 0); if (_.options.centermode === true || _.options.swipetoslide === true) { _.options.slidestoscroll = 1; } $('img[data-lazy]', _.$slider).not('[src]').addclass('slick-loading'); _.setupinfinite(); _.buildarrows(); _.builddots(); _.updatedots(); _.setslideclasses(typeof _.currentslide === 'number' ? _.currentslide : 0); if (_.options.draggable === true) { _.$list.addclass('draggable'); } }; slick.prototype.buildrows = function() { var _ = this, a, b, c, newslides, numofslides, originalslides,slidespersection; newslides = document.createdocumentfragment(); originalslides = _.$slider.children(); if(_.options.rows > 1) { slidespersection = _.options.slidesperrow * _.options.rows; numofslides = math.ceil( originalslides.length / slidespersection ); for(a = 0; a < numofslides; a++){ var slide = document.createelement('div'); for(b = 0; b < _.options.rows; b++) { var row = document.createelement('div'); for(c = 0; c < _.options.slidesperrow; c++) { var target = (a * slidespersection + ((b * _.options.slidesperrow) + c)); if (originalslides.get(target)) { row.appendchild(originalslides.get(target)); } } slide.appendchild(row); } newslides.appendchild(slide); } _.$slider.html(newslides); _.$slider.children().children().children() .css({ 'width':(100 / _.options.slidesperrow) + '%', 'display': 'inline-block' }); } }; slick.prototype.checkresponsive = function(initial, forceupdate) { var _ = this, breakpoint, targetbreakpoint, respondtowidth, triggerbreakpoint = false; var sliderwidth = _.$slider.width(); var windowwidth = window.innerwidth || $(window).width(); if (_.respondto === 'window') { respondtowidth = windowwidth; } else if (_.respondto === 'slider') { respondtowidth = sliderwidth; } else if (_.respondto === 'min') { respondtowidth = math.min(windowwidth, sliderwidth); } if ( _.options.responsive && _.options.responsive.length && _.options.responsive !== null) { targetbreakpoint = null; for (breakpoint in _.breakpoints) { if (_.breakpoints.hasownproperty(breakpoint)) { if (_.originalsettings.mobilefirst === false) { if (respondtowidth < _.breakpoints[breakpoint]) { targetbreakpoint = _.breakpoints[breakpoint]; } } else { if (respondtowidth > _.breakpoints[breakpoint]) { targetbreakpoint = _.breakpoints[breakpoint]; } } } } if (targetbreakpoint !== null) { if (_.activebreakpoint !== null) { if (targetbreakpoint !== _.activebreakpoint || forceupdate) { _.activebreakpoint = targetbreakpoint; if (_.breakpointsettings[targetbreakpoint] === 'unslick') { _.unslick(targetbreakpoint); } else { _.options = $.extend({}, _.originalsettings, _.breakpointsettings[ targetbreakpoint]); if (initial === true) { _.currentslide = _.options.initialslide; } _.refresh(initial); } triggerbreakpoint = targetbreakpoint; } } else { _.activebreakpoint = targetbreakpoint; if (_.breakpointsettings[targetbreakpoint] === 'unslick') { _.unslick(targetbreakpoint); } else { _.options = $.extend({}, _.originalsettings, _.breakpointsettings[ targetbreakpoint]); if (initial === true) { _.currentslide = _.options.initialslide; } _.refresh(initial); } triggerbreakpoint = targetbreakpoint; } } else { if (_.activebreakpoint !== null) { _.activebreakpoint = null; _.options = _.originalsettings; if (initial === true) { _.currentslide = _.options.initialslide; } _.refresh(initial); triggerbreakpoint = targetbreakpoint; } } // only trigger breakpoints during an actual break. not on initialize. if( !initial && triggerbreakpoint !== false ) { _.$slider.trigger('breakpoint', [_, triggerbreakpoint]); } } }; slick.prototype.changeslide = function(event, dontanimate) { var _ = this, $target = $(event.target), indexoffset, slideoffset, unevenoffset; // if target is a link, prevent default action. if($target.is('a')) { event.preventdefault(); } // if target is not the
  • element (ie: a child), find the
  • . if(!$target.is('li')) { $target = $target.closest('li'); } unevenoffset = (_.slidecount % _.options.slidestoscroll !== 0); indexoffset = unevenoffset ? 0 : (_.slidecount - _.currentslide) % _.options.slidestoscroll; switch (event.data.message) { case 'previous': slideoffset = indexoffset === 0 ? _.options.slidestoscroll : _.options.slidestoshow - indexoffset; if (_.slidecount > _.options.slidestoshow) { _.slidehandler(_.currentslide - slideoffset, false, dontanimate); } break; case 'next': slideoffset = indexoffset === 0 ? _.options.slidestoscroll : indexoffset; if (_.slidecount > _.options.slidestoshow) { _.slidehandler(_.currentslide + slideoffset, false, dontanimate); } break; case 'index': var index = event.data.index === 0 ? 0 : event.data.index || $target.index() * _.options.slidestoscroll; _.slidehandler(_.checknavigable(index), false, dontanimate); $target.children().trigger('focus'); break; default: return; } }; slick.prototype.checknavigable = function(index) { var _ = this, navigables, prevnavigable; navigables = _.getnavigableindexes(); prevnavigable = 0; if (index > navigables[navigables.length - 1]) { index = navigables[navigables.length - 1]; } else { for (var n in navigables) { if (index < navigables[n]) { index = prevnavigable; break; } prevnavigable = navigables[n]; } } return index; }; slick.prototype.cleanupevents = function() { var _ = this; if (_.options.dots && _.$dots !== null) { $('li', _.$dots).off('click.slick', _.changeslide); if (_.options.pauseondotshover === true && _.options.autoplay === true) { $('li', _.$dots) .off('mouseenter.slick', $.proxy(_.setpaused, _, true)) .off('mouseleave.slick', $.proxy(_.setpaused, _, false)); } } if (_.options.arrows === true && _.slidecount > _.options.slidestoshow) { _.$prevarrow && _.$prevarrow.off('click.slick', _.changeslide); _.$nextarrow && _.$nextarrow.off('click.slick', _.changeslide); } _.$list.off('touchstart.slick mousedown.slick', _.swipehandler); _.$list.off('touchmove.slick mousemove.slick', _.swipehandler); _.$list.off('touchend.slick mouseup.slick', _.swipehandler); _.$list.off('touchcancel.slick mouseleave.slick', _.swipehandler); _.$list.off('click.slick', _.clickhandler); $(document).off(_.visibilitychange, _.visibility); _.$list.off('mouseenter.slick', $.proxy(_.setpaused, _, true)); _.$list.off('mouseleave.slick', $.proxy(_.setpaused, _, false)); if (_.options.accessibility === true) { _.$list.off('keydown.slick', _.keyhandler); } if (_.options.focusonselect === true) { $(_.$slidetrack).children().off('click.slick', _.selecthandler); } $(window).off('orientationchange.slick.slick-' + _.instanceuid, _.orientationchange); $(window).off('resize.slick.slick-' + _.instanceuid, _.resize); $('[draggable!=true]', _.$slidetrack).off('dragstart', _.preventdefault); $(window).off('load.slick.slick-' + _.instanceuid, _.setposition); $(document).off('ready.slick.slick-' + _.instanceuid, _.setposition); }; slick.prototype.cleanuprows = function() { var _ = this, originalslides; if(_.options.rows > 1) { originalslides = _.$slides.children().children(); originalslides.removeattr('style'); _.$slider.html(originalslides); } }; slick.prototype.clickhandler = function(event) { var _ = this; if (_.shouldclick === false) { event.stopimmediatepropagation(); event.stoppropagation(); event.preventdefault(); } }; slick.prototype.destroy = function(refresh) { var _ = this; _.autoplayclear(); _.touchobject = {}; _.cleanupevents(); $('.slick-cloned', _.$slider).detach(); if (_.$dots) { _.$dots.remove(); } if ( _.options.arrows === true ) { if ( _.$prevarrow && _.$prevarrow.length ) { _.$prevarrow .removeclass('slick-disabled slick-arrow slick-hidden') .removeattr('aria-hidden aria-disabled tabindex') .css("display",""); if ( _.htmlexpr.test( _.options.prevarrow )) { _.$prevarrow.remove(); } } if ( _.$nextarrow && _.$nextarrow.length ) { _.$nextarrow .removeclass('slick-disabled slick-arrow slick-hidden') .removeattr('aria-hidden aria-disabled tabindex') .css("display",""); if ( _.htmlexpr.test( _.options.nextarrow )) { _.$nextarrow.remove(); } } } if (_.$slides) { _.$slides .removeclass('slick-slide slick-active slick-center slick-visible slick-current') .removeattr('aria-hidden') .removeattr('data-slick-index') .each(function(){ $(this).attr('style', $(this).data('originalstyling')); }); _.$slidetrack.children(this.options.slide).detach(); _.$slidetrack.detach(); _.$list.detach(); _.$slider.append(_.$slides); } _.cleanuprows(); _.$slider.removeclass('slick-slider'); _.$slider.removeclass('slick-initialized'); _.unslicked = true; if(!refresh) { _.$slider.trigger('destroy', [_]); } }; slick.prototype.disabletransition = function(slide) { var _ = this, transition = {}; transition[_.transitiontype] = ''; if (_.options.fade === false) { _.$slidetrack.css(transition); } else { _.$slides.eq(slide).css(transition); } }; slick.prototype.fadeslide = function(slideindex, callback) { var _ = this; if (_.csstransitions === false) { _.$slides.eq(slideindex).css({ zindex: _.options.zindex }); _.$slides.eq(slideindex).animate({ opacity: 1 }, _.options.speed, _.options.easing, callback); } else { _.applytransition(slideindex); _.$slides.eq(slideindex).css({ opacity: 1, zindex: _.options.zindex }); if (callback) { settimeout(function() { _.disabletransition(slideindex); callback.call(); }, _.options.speed); } } }; slick.prototype.fadeslideout = function(slideindex) { var _ = this; if (_.csstransitions === false) { _.$slides.eq(slideindex).animate({ opacity: 0, zindex: _.options.zindex - 2 }, _.options.speed, _.options.easing); } else { _.applytransition(slideindex); _.$slides.eq(slideindex).css({ opacity: 0, zindex: _.options.zindex - 2 }); } }; slick.prototype.filterslides = slick.prototype.slickfilter = function(filter) { var _ = this; if (filter !== null) { _.unload(); _.$slidetrack.children(this.options.slide).detach(); _.$slidescache.filter(filter).appendto(_.$slidetrack); _.reinit(); } }; slick.prototype.getcurrent = slick.prototype.slickcurrentslide = function() { var _ = this; return _.currentslide; }; slick.prototype.getdotcount = function() { var _ = this; var breakpoint = 0; var counter = 0; var pagerqty = 0; if (_.options.infinite === true) { while (breakpoint < _.slidecount) { ++pagerqty; breakpoint = counter + _.options.slidestoshow; counter += _.options.slidestoscroll <= _.options.slidestoshow ? _.options.slidestoscroll : _.options.slidestoshow; } } else if (_.options.centermode === true) { pagerqty = _.slidecount; } else { while (breakpoint < _.slidecount) { ++pagerqty; breakpoint = counter + _.options.slidestoshow; counter += _.options.slidestoscroll <= _.options.slidestoshow ? _.options.slidestoscroll : _.options.slidestoshow; } } return pagerqty - 1; }; slick.prototype.getleft = function(slideindex) { var _ = this, targetleft, verticalheight, verticaloffset = 0, targetslide; _.slideoffset = 0; verticalheight = _.$slides.first().outerheight(true); if (_.options.infinite === true) { if (_.slidecount > _.options.slidestoshow) { _.slideoffset = (_.slidewidth * _.options.slidestoshow) * -1; verticaloffset = (verticalheight * _.options.slidestoshow) * -1; } if (_.slidecount % _.options.slidestoscroll !== 0) { if (slideindex + _.options.slidestoscroll > _.slidecount && _.slidecount > _.options.slidestoshow) { if (slideindex > _.slidecount) { _.slideoffset = ((_.options.slidestoshow - (slideindex - _.slidecount)) * _.slidewidth) * -1; verticaloffset = ((_.options.slidestoshow - (slideindex - _.slidecount)) * verticalheight) * -1; } else { _.slideoffset = ((_.slidecount % _.options.slidestoscroll) * _.slidewidth) * -1; verticaloffset = ((_.slidecount % _.options.slidestoscroll) * verticalheight) * -1; } } } } else { if (slideindex + _.options.slidestoshow > _.slidecount) { _.slideoffset = ((slideindex + _.options.slidestoshow) - _.slidecount) * _.slidewidth; verticaloffset = ((slideindex + _.options.slidestoshow) - _.slidecount) * verticalheight; } } if (_.slidecount <= _.options.slidestoshow) { _.slideoffset = 0; verticaloffset = 0; } if (_.options.centermode === true && _.options.infinite === true) { _.slideoffset += _.slidewidth * math.floor(_.options.slidestoshow / 2) - _.slidewidth; } else if (_.options.centermode === true) { _.slideoffset = 0; _.slideoffset += _.slidewidth * math.floor(_.options.slidestoshow / 2); } if (_.options.vertical === false) { targetleft = ((slideindex * _.slidewidth) * -1) + _.slideoffset; } else { targetleft = ((slideindex * verticalheight) * -1) + verticaloffset; } if (_.options.variablewidth === true) { if (_.slidecount <= _.options.slidestoshow || _.options.infinite === false) { targetslide = _.$slidetrack.children('.slick-slide').eq(slideindex); } else { targetslide = _.$slidetrack.children('.slick-slide').eq(slideindex + _.options.slidestoshow); } targetleft = targetslide[0] ? targetslide[0].offsetleft * -1 : 0; if (_.options.centermode === true) { if (_.options.infinite === false) { targetslide = _.$slidetrack.children('.slick-slide').eq(slideindex); } else { targetslide = _.$slidetrack.children('.slick-slide').eq(slideindex + _.options.slidestoshow + 1); } targetleft = targetslide[0] ? targetslide[0].offsetleft * -1 : 0; targetleft += (_.$list.width() - targetslide.outerwidth()) / 2; } } return targetleft; }; slick.prototype.getoption = slick.prototype.slickgetoption = function(option) { var _ = this; return _.options[option]; }; slick.prototype.getnavigableindexes = function() { var _ = this, breakpoint = 0, counter = 0, indexes = [], max; if (_.options.infinite === false) { max = _.slidecount; } else { breakpoint = _.options.slidestoscroll * -1; counter = _.options.slidestoscroll * -1; max = _.slidecount * 2; } while (breakpoint < max) { indexes.push(breakpoint); breakpoint = counter + _.options.slidestoscroll; counter += _.options.slidestoscroll <= _.options.slidestoshow ? _.options.slidestoscroll : _.options.slidestoshow; } return indexes; }; slick.prototype.getslick = function() { return this; }; slick.prototype.getslidecount = function() { var _ = this, slidestraversed, swipedslide, centeroffset; centeroffset = _.options.centermode === true ? _.slidewidth * math.floor(_.options.slidestoshow / 2) : 0; if (_.options.swipetoslide === true) { _.$slidetrack.find('.slick-slide').each(function(index, slide) { if (slide.offsetleft - centeroffset + ($(slide).outerwidth() / 2) > (_.swipeleft * -1)) { swipedslide = slide; return false; } }); slidestraversed = math.abs($(swipedslide).attr('data-slick-index') - _.currentslide) || 1; return slidestraversed; } else { return _.options.slidestoscroll; } }; slick.prototype.goto = slick.prototype.slickgoto = function(slide, dontanimate) { var _ = this; _.changeslide({ data: { message: 'index', index: parseint(slide) } }, dontanimate); }; slick.prototype.init = function(creation) { var _ = this; if (!$(_.$slider).hasclass('slick-initialized')) { $(_.$slider).addclass('slick-initialized'); _.buildrows(); _.buildout(); _.setprops(); _.startload(); _.loadslider(); _.initializeevents(); _.updatearrows(); _.updatedots(); } if (creation) { _.$slider.trigger('init', [_]); } if (_.options.accessibility === true) { _.initada(); } }; slick.prototype.initarrowevents = function() { var _ = this; if (_.options.arrows === true && _.slidecount > _.options.slidestoshow) { _.$prevarrow.on('click.slick', { message: 'previous' }, _.changeslide); _.$nextarrow.on('click.slick', { message: 'next' }, _.changeslide); } }; slick.prototype.initdotevents = function() { var _ = this; if (_.options.dots === true && _.slidecount > _.options.slidestoshow) { $('li', _.$dots).on('click.slick', { message: 'index' }, _.changeslide); } if (_.options.dots === true && _.options.pauseondotshover === true && _.options.autoplay === true) { $('li', _.$dots) .on('mouseenter.slick', $.proxy(_.setpaused, _, true)) .on('mouseleave.slick', $.proxy(_.setpaused, _, false)); } }; slick.prototype.initializeevents = function() { var _ = this; _.initarrowevents(); _.initdotevents(); _.$list.on('touchstart.slick mousedown.slick', { action: 'start' }, _.swipehandler); _.$list.on('touchmove.slick mousemove.slick', { action: 'move' }, _.swipehandler); _.$list.on('touchend.slick mouseup.slick', { action: 'end' }, _.swipehandler); _.$list.on('touchcancel.slick mouseleave.slick', { action: 'end' }, _.swipehandler); _.$list.on('click.slick', _.clickhandler); $(document).on(_.visibilitychange, $.proxy(_.visibility, _)); _.$list.on('mouseenter.slick', $.proxy(_.setpaused, _, true)); _.$list.on('mouseleave.slick', $.proxy(_.setpaused, _, false)); if (_.options.accessibility === true) { _.$list.on('keydown.slick', _.keyhandler); } if (_.options.focusonselect === true) { $(_.$slidetrack).children().on('click.slick', _.selecthandler); } $(window).on('orientationchange.slick.slick-' + _.instanceuid, $.proxy(_.orientationchange, _)); $(window).on('resize.slick.slick-' + _.instanceuid, $.proxy(_.resize, _)); $('[draggable!=true]', _.$slidetrack).on('dragstart', _.preventdefault); $(window).on('load.slick.slick-' + _.instanceuid, _.setposition); $(document).on('ready.slick.slick-' + _.instanceuid, _.setposition); }; slick.prototype.initui = function() { var _ = this; if (_.options.arrows === true && _.slidecount > _.options.slidestoshow) { _.$prevarrow.show(); _.$nextarrow.show(); } if (_.options.dots === true && _.slidecount > _.options.slidestoshow) { _.$dots.show(); } if (_.options.autoplay === true) { _.autoplay(); } }; slick.prototype.keyhandler = function(event) { var _ = this; //dont slide if the cursor is inside the form fields and arrow keys are pressed if(!event.target.tagname.match('textarea|input|select')) { if (event.keycode === 37 && _.options.accessibility === true) { _.changeslide({ data: { message: 'previous' } }); } else if (event.keycode === 39 && _.options.accessibility === true) { _.changeslide({ data: { message: 'next' } }); } } }; slick.prototype.lazyload = function() { var _ = this, loadrange, clonerange, rangestart, rangeend; function loadimages(imagesscope) { $('img[data-lazy]', imagesscope).each(function() { var image = $(this), imagesource = $(this).attr('data-lazy'), imagetoload = document.createelement('img'); imagetoload.onload = function() { image .animate({ opacity: 0 }, 100, function() { image .attr('src', imagesource) .animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200, function() { image .removeattr('data-lazy') .removeclass('slick-loading'); }); }); }; imagetoload.src = imagesource; }); } if (_.options.centermode === true) { if (_.options.infinite === true) { rangestart = _.currentslide + (_.options.slidestoshow / 2 + 1); rangeend = rangestart + _.options.slidestoshow + 2; } else { rangestart = math.max(0, _.currentslide - (_.options.slidestoshow / 2 + 1)); rangeend = 2 + (_.options.slidestoshow / 2 + 1) + _.currentslide; } } else { rangestart = _.options.infinite ? _.options.slidestoshow + _.currentslide : _.currentslide; rangeend = rangestart + _.options.slidestoshow; if (_.options.fade === true) { if (rangestart > 0) rangestart--; if (rangeend <= _.slidecount) rangeend++; } } loadrange = _.$slider.find('.slick-slide').slice(rangestart, rangeend); loadimages(loadrange); if (_.slidecount <= _.options.slidestoshow) { clonerange = _.$slider.find('.slick-slide'); loadimages(clonerange); } else if (_.currentslide >= _.slidecount - _.options.slidestoshow) { clonerange = _.$slider.find('.slick-cloned').slice(0, _.options.slidestoshow); loadimages(clonerange); } else if (_.currentslide === 0) { clonerange = _.$slider.find('.slick-cloned').slice(_.options.slidestoshow * -1); loadimages(clonerange); } }; slick.prototype.loadslider = function() { var _ = this; _.setposition(); _.$slidetrack.css({ opacity: 1 }); _.$slider.removeclass('slick-loading'); _.initui(); if (_.options.lazyload === 'progressive') { _.progressivelazyload(); } }; slick.prototype.next = slick.prototype.slicknext = function() { var _ = this; _.changeslide({ data: { message: 'next' } }); }; slick.prototype.orientationchange = function() { var _ = this; _.checkresponsive(); _.setposition(); }; slick.prototype.pause = slick.prototype.slickpause = function() { var _ = this; _.autoplayclear(); _.paused = true; }; slick.prototype.play = slick.prototype.slickplay = function() { var _ = this; _.paused = false; _.autoplay(); }; slick.prototype.postslide = function(index) { var _ = this; _.$slider.trigger('afterchange', [_, index]); _.animating = false; _.setposition(); _.swipeleft = null; if (_.options.autoplay === true && _.paused === false) { _.autoplay(); } if (_.options.accessibility === true) { _.initada(); } }; slick.prototype.prev = slick.prototype.slickprev = function() { var _ = this; _.changeslide({ data: { message: 'previous' } }); }; slick.prototype.preventdefault = function(e) { e.preventdefault(); }; slick.prototype.progressivelazyload = function() { var _ = this, imgcount, targetimage; imgcount = $('img[data-lazy]', _.$slider).length; if (imgcount > 0) { targetimage = $('img[data-lazy]', _.$slider).first(); targetimage.attr('src', targetimage.attr('data-lazy')).removeclass('slick-loading').load(function() { targetimage.removeattr('data-lazy'); _.progressivelazyload(); if (_.options.adaptiveheight === true) { _.setposition(); } }) .error(function() { targetimage.removeattr('data-lazy'); _.progressivelazyload(); }); } }; slick.prototype.refresh = function( initializing ) { var _ = this, currentslide = _.currentslide; _.destroy(true); $.extend(_, _.initials, { currentslide: currentslide }); _.init(); if( !initializing ) { _.changeslide({ data: { message: 'index', index: currentslide } }, false); } }; slick.prototype.registerbreakpoints = function() { var _ = this, breakpoint, currentbreakpoint, l, responsivesettings = _.options.responsive || null; if ( $.type(responsivesettings) === "array" && responsivesettings.length ) { _.respondto = _.options.respondto || 'window'; for ( breakpoint in responsivesettings ) { l = _.breakpoints.length-1; currentbreakpoint = responsivesettings[breakpoint].breakpoint; if (responsivesettings.hasownproperty(breakpoint)) { // loop through the breakpoints and cut out any existing // ones with the same breakpoint number, we don't want dupes. while( l >= 0 ) { if( _.breakpoints[l] && _.breakpoints[l] === currentbreakpoint ) { _.breakpoints.splice(l,1); } l--; } _.breakpoints.push(currentbreakpoint); _.breakpointsettings[currentbreakpoint] = responsivesettings[breakpoint].settings; } } _.breakpoints.sort(function(a, b) { return ( _.options.mobilefirst ) ? a-b : b-a; }); } }; slick.prototype.reinit = function() { var _ = this; _.$slides = _.$slidetrack .children(_.options.slide) .addclass('slick-slide'); _.slidecount = _.$slides.length; if (_.currentslide >= _.slidecount && _.currentslide !== 0) { _.currentslide = _.currentslide - _.options.slidestoscroll; } if (_.slidecount <= _.options.slidestoshow) { _.currentslide = 0; } _.registerbreakpoints(); _.setprops(); _.setupinfinite(); _.buildarrows(); _.updatearrows(); _.initarrowevents(); _.builddots(); _.updatedots(); _.initdotevents(); _.checkresponsive(false, true); if (_.options.focusonselect === true) { $(_.$slidetrack).children().on('click.slick', _.selecthandler); } _.setslideclasses(0); _.setposition(); _.$slider.trigger('reinit', [_]); if (_.options.autoplay === true) { _.focushandler(); } }; slick.prototype.resize = function() { var _ = this; if ($(window).width() !== _.windowwidth) { cleartimeout(_.windowdelay); _.windowdelay = window.settimeout(function() { _.windowwidth = $(window).width(); _.checkresponsive(); if( !_.unslicked ) { _.setposition(); } }, 50); } }; slick.prototype.removeslide = slick.prototype.slickremove = function(index, removebefore, removeall) { var _ = this; if (typeof(index) === 'boolean') { removebefore = index; index = removebefore === true ? 0 : _.slidecount - 1; } else { index = removebefore === true ? --index : index; } if (_.slidecount < 1 || index < 0 || index > _.slidecount - 1) { return false; } _.unload(); if (removeall === true) { _.$slidetrack.children().remove(); } else { _.$slidetrack.children(this.options.slide).eq(index).remove(); } _.$slides = _.$slidetrack.children(this.options.slide); _.$slidetrack.children(this.options.slide).detach(); _.$slidetrack.append(_.$slides); _.$slidescache = _.$slides; _.reinit(); }; slick.prototype.setcss = function(position) { var _ = this, positionprops = {}, x, y; if (_.options.rtl === true) { position = -position; } x = _.positionprop == 'left' ? math.ceil(position) + 'px' : '0px'; y = _.positionprop == 'top' ? math.ceil(position) + 'px' : '0px'; positionprops[_.positionprop] = position; if (_.transformsenabled === false) { _.$slidetrack.css(positionprops); } else { positionprops = {}; if (_.csstransitions === false) { positionprops[_.animtype] = 'translate(' + x + ', ' + y + ')'; _.$slidetrack.css(positionprops); } else { positionprops[_.animtype] = 'translate3d(' + x + ', ' + y + ', 0px)'; _.$slidetrack.css(positionprops); } } }; slick.prototype.setdimensions = function() { var _ = this; if (_.options.vertical === false) { if (_.options.centermode === true) { _.$list.css({ padding: ('0px ' + _.options.centerpadding) }); } } else { _.$list.height(_.$slides.first().outerheight(true) * _.options.slidestoshow); if (_.options.centermode === true) { _.$list.css({ padding: (_.options.centerpadding + ' 0px') }); } } _.listwidth = _.$list.width(); _.listheight = _.$list.height(); if (_.options.vertical === false && _.options.variablewidth === false) { _.slidewidth = math.ceil(_.listwidth / _.options.slidestoshow); _.$slidetrack.width(math.ceil((_.slidewidth * _.$slidetrack.children('.slick-slide').length))); } else if (_.options.variablewidth === true) { _.$slidetrack.width(5000 * _.slidecount); } else { _.slidewidth = math.ceil(_.listwidth); _.$slidetrack.height(math.ceil((_.$slides.first().outerheight(true) * _.$slidetrack.children('.slick-slide').length))); } var offset = _.$slides.first().outerwidth(true) - _.$slides.first().width(); if (_.options.variablewidth === false) _.$slidetrack.children('.slick-slide').width(_.slidewidth - offset); }; slick.prototype.setfade = function() { var _ = this, targetleft; _.$slides.each(function(index, element) { targetleft = (_.slidewidth * index) * -1; if (_.options.rtl === true) { $(element).css({ position: 'relative', right: targetleft, top: 0, zindex: _.options.zindex - 2, opacity: 0 }); } else { $(element).css({ position: 'relative', left: targetleft, top: 0, zindex: _.options.zindex - 2, opacity: 0 }); } }); _.$slides.eq(_.currentslide).css({ zindex: _.options.zindex - 1, opacity: 1 }); }; slick.prototype.setheight = function() { var _ = this; if (_.options.slidestoshow === 1 && _.options.adaptiveheight === true && _.options.vertical === false) { var targetheight = _.$slides.eq(_.currentslide).outerheight(true); _.$list.css('height', targetheight); } }; slick.prototype.setoption = slick.prototype.slicksetoption = function(option, value, refresh) { var _ = this, l, item; if( option === "responsive" && $.type(value) === "array" ) { for ( item in value ) { if( $.type( _.options.responsive ) !== "array" ) { _.options.responsive = [ value[item] ]; } else { l = _.options.responsive.length-1; // loop through the responsive object and splice out duplicates. while( l >= 0 ) { if( _.options.responsive[l].breakpoint === value[item].breakpoint ) { _.options.responsive.splice(l,1); } l--; } _.options.responsive.push( value[item] ); } } } else { _.options[option] = value; } if (refresh === true) { _.unload(); _.reinit(); } }; slick.prototype.setposition = function() { var _ = this; _.setdimensions(); _.setheight(); if (_.options.fade === false) { _.setcss(_.getleft(_.currentslide)); } else { _.setfade(); } _.$slider.trigger('setposition', [_]); }; slick.prototype.setprops = function() { var _ = this, bodystyle = document.body.style; _.positionprop = _.options.vertical === true ? 'top' : 'left'; if (_.positionprop === 'top') { _.$slider.addclass('slick-vertical'); } else { _.$slider.removeclass('slick-vertical'); } if (bodystyle.webkittransition !== undefined || bodystyle.moztransition !== undefined || bodystyle.mstransition !== undefined) { if (_.options.usecss === true) { _.csstransitions = true; } } if ( _.options.fade ) { if ( typeof _.options.zindex === 'number' ) { if( _.options.zindex < 3 ) { _.options.zindex = 3; } } else { _.options.zindex = _.defaults.zindex; } } if (bodystyle.otransform !== undefined) { _.animtype = 'otransform'; _.transformtype = '-o-transform'; _.transitiontype = 'otransition'; if (bodystyle.perspectiveproperty === undefined && bodystyle.webkitperspective === undefined) _.animtype = false; } if (bodystyle.moztransform !== undefined) { _.animtype = 'moztransform'; _.transformtype = '-moz-transform'; _.transitiontype = 'moztransition'; if (bodystyle.perspectiveproperty === undefined && bodystyle.mozperspective === undefined) _.animtype = false; } if (bodystyle.webkittransform !== undefined) { _.animtype = 'webkittransform'; _.transformtype = '-webkit-transform'; _.transitiontype = 'webkittransition'; if (bodystyle.perspectiveproperty === undefined && bodystyle.webkitperspective === undefined) _.animtype = false; } if (bodystyle.mstransform !== undefined) { _.animtype = 'mstransform'; _.transformtype = '-ms-transform'; _.transitiontype = 'mstransition'; if (bodystyle.mstransform === undefined) _.animtype = false; } if (bodystyle.transform !== undefined && _.animtype !== false) { _.animtype = 'transform'; _.transformtype = 'transform'; _.transitiontype = 'transition'; } _.transformsenabled = (_.animtype !== null && _.animtype !== false); }; slick.prototype.setslideclasses = function(index) { var _ = this, centeroffset, allslides, indexoffset, remainder; allslides = _.$slider .find('.slick-slide') .removeclass('slick-active slick-center slick-current') .attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); _.$slides .eq(index) .addclass('slick-current'); if (_.options.centermode === true) { centeroffset = math.floor(_.options.slidestoshow / 2); if (_.options.infinite === true) { if (index >= centeroffset && index <= (_.slidecount - 1) - centeroffset) { _.$slides .slice(index - centeroffset, index + centeroffset + 1) .addclass('slick-active') .attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); } else { indexoffset = _.options.slidestoshow + index; allslides .slice(indexoffset - centeroffset + 1, indexoffset + centeroffset + 2) .addclass('slick-active') .attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); } if (index === 0) { allslides .eq(allslides.length - 1 - _.options.slidestoshow) .addclass('slick-center'); } else if (index === _.slidecount - 1) { allslides .eq(_.options.slidestoshow) .addclass('slick-center'); } } _.$slides .eq(index) .addclass('slick-center'); } else { if (index >= 0 && index <= (_.slidecount - _.options.slidestoshow)) { _.$slides .slice(index, index + _.options.slidestoshow) .addclass('slick-active') .attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); } else if (allslides.length <= _.options.slidestoshow) { allslides .addclass('slick-active') .attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); } else { remainder = _.slidecount % _.options.slidestoshow; indexoffset = _.options.infinite === true ? _.options.slidestoshow + index : index; if (_.options.slidestoshow == _.options.slidestoscroll && (_.slidecount - index) < _.options.slidestoshow) { allslides .slice(indexoffset - (_.options.slidestoshow - remainder), indexoffset + remainder) .addclass('slick-active') .attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); } else { allslides .slice(indexoffset, indexoffset + _.options.slidestoshow) .addclass('slick-active') .attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); } } } if (_.options.lazyload === 'ondemand') { _.lazyload(); } }; slick.prototype.setupinfinite = function() { var _ = this, i, slideindex, infinitecount; if (_.options.fade === true) { _.options.centermode = false; } if (_.options.infinite === true && _.options.fade === false) { slideindex = null; if (_.slidecount > _.options.slidestoshow) { if (_.options.centermode === true) { infinitecount = _.options.slidestoshow + 1; } else { infinitecount = _.options.slidestoshow; } for (i = _.slidecount; i > (_.slidecount - infinitecount); i -= 1) { slideindex = i - 1; $(_.$slides[slideindex]).clone(true).attr('id', '') .attr('data-slick-index', slideindex - _.slidecount) .prependto(_.$slidetrack).addclass('slick-cloned'); } for (i = 0; i < infinitecount; i += 1) { slideindex = i; $(_.$slides[slideindex]).clone(true).attr('id', '') .attr('data-slick-index', slideindex + _.slidecount) .appendto(_.$slidetrack).addclass('slick-cloned'); } _.$slidetrack.find('.slick-cloned').find('[id]').each(function() { $(this).attr('id', ''); }); } } }; slick.prototype.setpaused = function(paused) { var _ = this; if (_.options.autoplay === true && _.options.pauseonhover === true) { _.paused = paused; if (!paused) { _.autoplay(); } else { _.autoplayclear(); } } }; slick.prototype.selecthandler = function(event) { var _ = this; var targetelement = $(event.target).is('.slick-slide') ? $(event.target) : $(event.target).parents('.slick-slide'); var index = parseint(targetelement.attr('data-slick-index')); if (!index) index = 0; if (_.slidecount <= _.options.slidestoshow) { _.setslideclasses(index); _.asnavfor(index); return; } _.slidehandler(index); }; slick.prototype.slidehandler = function(index, sync, dontanimate) { var targetslide, animslide, oldslide, slideleft, targetleft = null, _ = this; sync = sync || false; if (_.animating === true && _.options.waitforanimate === true) { return; } if (_.options.fade === true && _.currentslide === index) { return; } if (_.slidecount <= _.options.slidestoshow) { return; } if (sync === false) { _.asnavfor(index); } targetslide = index; targetleft = _.getleft(targetslide); slideleft = _.getleft(_.currentslide); _.currentleft = _.swipeleft === null ? slideleft : _.swipeleft; if (_.options.infinite === false && _.options.centermode === false && (index < 0 || index > _.getdotcount() * _.options.slidestoscroll)) { if (_.options.fade === false) { targetslide = _.currentslide; if (dontanimate !== true) { _.animateslide(slideleft, function() { _.postslide(targetslide); }); } else { _.postslide(targetslide); } } return; } else if (_.options.infinite === false && _.options.centermode === true && (index < 0 || index > (_.slidecount - _.options.slidestoscroll))) { if (_.options.fade === false) { targetslide = _.currentslide; if (dontanimate !== true) { _.animateslide(slideleft, function() { _.postslide(targetslide); }); } else { _.postslide(targetslide); } } return; } if (_.options.autoplay === true) { clearinterval(_.autoplaytimer); } if (targetslide < 0) { if (_.slidecount % _.options.slidestoscroll !== 0) { animslide = _.slidecount - (_.slidecount % _.options.slidestoscroll); } else { animslide = _.slidecount + targetslide; } } else if (targetslide >= _.slidecount) { if (_.slidecount % _.options.slidestoscroll !== 0) { animslide = 0; } else { animslide = targetslide - _.slidecount; } } else { animslide = targetslide; } _.animating = true; _.$slider.trigger('beforechange', [_, _.currentslide, animslide]); oldslide = _.currentslide; _.currentslide = animslide; _.setslideclasses(_.currentslide); _.updatedots(); _.updatearrows(); if (_.options.fade === true) { if (dontanimate !== true) { _.fadeslideout(oldslide); _.fadeslide(animslide, function() { _.postslide(animslide); }); } else { _.postslide(animslide); } _.animateheight(); return; } if (dontanimate !== true) { _.animateslide(targetleft, function() { _.postslide(animslide); }); } else { _.postslide(animslide); } }; slick.prototype.startload = function() { var _ = this; if (_.options.arrows === true && _.slidecount > _.options.slidestoshow) { _.$prevarrow.hide(); _.$nextarrow.hide(); } if (_.options.dots === true && _.slidecount > _.options.slidestoshow) { _.$dots.hide(); } _.$slider.addclass('slick-loading'); }; slick.prototype.swipedirection = function() { var xdist, ydist, r, swipeangle, _ = this; xdist = _.touchobject.startx - _.touchobject.curx; ydist = _.touchobject.starty - _.touchobject.cury; r = math.atan2(ydist, xdist); swipeangle = math.round(r * 180 / math.pi); if (swipeangle < 0) { swipeangle = 360 - math.abs(swipeangle); } if ((swipeangle <= 45) && (swipeangle >= 0)) { return (_.options.rtl === false ? 'left' : 'right'); } if ((swipeangle <= 360) && (swipeangle >= 315)) { return (_.options.rtl === false ? 'left' : 'right'); } if ((swipeangle >= 135) && (swipeangle <= 225)) { return (_.options.rtl === false ? 'right' : 'left'); } if (_.options.verticalswiping === true) { if ((swipeangle >= 35) && (swipeangle <= 135)) { return 'left'; } else { return 'right'; } } return 'vertical'; }; slick.prototype.swipeend = function(event) { var _ = this, slidecount; _.dragging = false; _.shouldclick = (_.touchobject.swipelength > 10) ? false : true; if (_.touchobject.curx === undefined) { return false; } if (_.touchobject.edgehit === true) { _.$slider.trigger('edge', [_, _.swipedirection()]); } if (_.touchobject.swipelength >= _.touchobject.minswipe) { switch (_.swipedirection()) { case 'left': slidecount = _.options.swipetoslide ? _.checknavigable(_.currentslide + _.getslidecount()) : _.currentslide + _.getslidecount(); _.slidehandler(slidecount); _.currentdirection = 0; _.touchobject = {}; _.$slider.trigger('swipe', [_, 'left']); break; case 'right': slidecount = _.options.swipetoslide ? _.checknavigable(_.currentslide - _.getslidecount()) : _.currentslide - _.getslidecount(); _.slidehandler(slidecount); _.currentdirection = 1; _.touchobject = {}; _.$slider.trigger('swipe', [_, 'right']); break; } } else { if (_.touchobject.startx !== _.touchobject.curx) { _.slidehandler(_.currentslide); _.touchobject = {}; } } }; slick.prototype.swipehandler = function(event) { var _ = this; if ((_.options.swipe === false) || ('ontouchend' in document && _.options.swipe === false)) { return; } else if (_.options.draggable === false && event.type.indexof('mouse') !== -1) { return; } _.touchobject.fingercount = event.originalevent && event.originalevent.touches !== undefined ? event.originalevent.touches.length : 1; _.touchobject.minswipe = _.listwidth / _.options .touchthreshold; if (_.options.verticalswiping === true) { _.touchobject.minswipe = _.listheight / _.options .touchthreshold; } switch (event.data.action) { case 'start': _.swipestart(event); break; case 'move': _.swipemove(event); break; case 'end': _.swipeend(event); break; } }; slick.prototype.swipemove = function(event) { var _ = this, edgewashit = false, curleft, swipedirection, swipelength, positionoffset, touches; touches = event.originalevent !== undefined ? event.originalevent.touches : null; if (!_.dragging || touches && touches.length !== 1) { return false; } curleft = _.getleft(_.currentslide); _.touchobject.curx = touches !== undefined ? touches[0].pagex : event.clientx; _.touchobject.cury = touches !== undefined ? touches[0].pagey : event.clienty; _.touchobject.swipelength = math.round(math.sqrt( math.pow(_.touchobject.curx - _.touchobject.startx, 2))); if (_.options.verticalswiping === true) { _.touchobject.swipelength = math.round(math.sqrt( math.pow(_.touchobject.cury - _.touchobject.starty, 2))); } swipedirection = _.swipedirection(); if (swipedirection === 'vertical') { return; } if (event.originalevent !== undefined && _.touchobject.swipelength > 4) { event.preventdefault(); } positionoffset = (_.options.rtl === false ? 1 : -1) * (_.touchobject.curx > _.touchobject.startx ? 1 : -1); if (_.options.verticalswiping === true) { positionoffset = _.touchobject.cury > _.touchobject.starty ? 1 : -1; } swipelength = _.touchobject.swipelength; _.touchobject.edgehit = false; if (_.options.infinite === false) { if ((_.currentslide === 0 && swipedirection === 'right') || (_.currentslide >= _.getdotcount() && swipedirection === 'left')) { swipelength = _.touchobject.swipelength * _.options.edgefriction; _.touchobject.edgehit = true; } } if (_.options.vertical === false) { _.swipeleft = curleft + swipelength * positionoffset; } else { _.swipeleft = curleft + (swipelength * (_.$list.height() / _.listwidth)) * positionoffset; } if (_.options.verticalswiping === true) { _.swipeleft = curleft + swipelength * positionoffset; } if (_.options.fade === true || _.options.touchmove === false) { return false; } if (_.animating === true) { _.swipeleft = null; return false; } _.setcss(_.swipeleft); }; slick.prototype.swipestart = function(event) { var _ = this, touches; if (_.touchobject.fingercount !== 1 || _.slidecount <= _.options.slidestoshow) { _.touchobject = {}; return false; } if (event.originalevent !== undefined && event.originalevent.touches !== undefined) { touches = event.originalevent.touches[0]; } _.touchobject.startx = _.touchobject.curx = touches !== undefined ? touches.pagex : event.clientx; _.touchobject.starty = _.touchobject.cury = touches !== undefined ? touches.pagey : event.clienty; _.dragging = true; }; slick.prototype.unfilterslides = slick.prototype.slickunfilter = function() { var _ = this; if (_.$slidescache !== null) { _.unload(); _.$slidetrack.children(this.options.slide).detach(); _.$slidescache.appendto(_.$slidetrack); _.reinit(); } }; slick.prototype.unload = function() { var _ = this; $('.slick-cloned', _.$slider).remove(); if (_.$dots) { _.$dots.remove(); } if (_.$prevarrow && _.htmlexpr.test(_.options.prevarrow)) { _.$prevarrow.remove(); } if (_.$nextarrow && _.htmlexpr.test(_.options.nextarrow)) { _.$nextarrow.remove(); } _.$slides .removeclass('slick-slide slick-active slick-visible slick-current') .attr('aria-hidden', 'true') .css('width', ''); }; slick.prototype.unslick = function(frombreakpoint) { var _ = this; _.$slider.trigger('unslick', [_, frombreakpoint]); _.destroy(); }; slick.prototype.updatearrows = function() { var _ = this, centeroffset; centeroffset = math.floor(_.options.slidestoshow / 2); if ( _.options.arrows === true && _.slidecount > _.options.slidestoshow && !_.options.infinite ) { _.$prevarrow.removeclass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'false'); _.$nextarrow.removeclass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'false'); if (_.currentslide === 0) { _.$prevarrow.addclass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'true'); _.$nextarrow.removeclass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'false'); } else if (_.currentslide >= _.slidecount - _.options.slidestoshow && _.options.centermode === false) { _.$nextarrow.addclass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'true'); _.$prevarrow.removeclass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'false'); } else if (_.currentslide >= _.slidecount - 1 && _.options.centermode === true) { _.$nextarrow.addclass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'true'); _.$prevarrow.removeclass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'false'); } } }; slick.prototype.updatedots = function() { var _ = this; if (_.$dots !== null) { _.$dots .find('li') .removeclass('slick-active') .attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); _.$dots .find('li') .eq(math.floor(_.currentslide / _.options.slidestoscroll)) .addclass('slick-active') .attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); } }; slick.prototype.visibility = function() { var _ = this; if (document[_.hidden]) { _.paused = true; _.autoplayclear(); } else { if (_.options.autoplay === true) { _.paused = false; _.autoplay(); } } }; slick.prototype.initada = function() { var _ = this; _.$slides.add(_.$slidetrack.find('.slick-cloned')).attr({ 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'tabindex': '-1' }).find('a, input, button, select').attr({ 'tabindex': '-1' }); _.$slidetrack.attr('role', 'listbox'); _.$slides.not(_.$slidetrack.find('.slick-cloned')).each(function(i) { $(this).attr({ 'role': 'option', 'aria-describedby': 'slick-slide' + _.instanceuid + i + '' }); }); if (_.$dots !== null) { _.$dots.attr('role', 'tablist').find('li').each(function(i) { $(this).attr({ 'role': 'presentation', 'aria-selected': 'false', 'aria-controls': 'navigation' + _.instanceuid + i + '', 'id': 'slick-slide' + _.instanceuid + i + '' }); }) .first().attr('aria-selected', 'true').end() .find('button').attr('role', 'button').end() .closest('div').attr('role', 'toolbar'); } _.activateada(); }; slick.prototype.activateada = function() { var _ = this, _isslideonfocus =_.$slider.find('*').is(':focus'); // _isslideonfocus = _.$slides.is(':focus') || _.$slides.find('*').is(':focus'); _.$slidetrack.find('.slick-active').attr({ 'aria-hidden': 'false', 'tabindex': '0' }).find('a, input, button, select').attr({ 'tabindex': '0' }); (_isslideonfocus) && _.$slidetrack.find('.slick-active').focus(); }; slick.prototype.focushandler = function() { var _ = this; _.$slider.on('focus.slick blur.slick', '*', function(event) { event.stopimmediatepropagation(); var sf = $(this); settimeout(function() { if (_.isplay) { if (sf.is(':focus')) { _.autoplayclear(); _.paused = true; } else { _.paused = false; _.autoplay(); } } }, 0); }); }; $.fn.slick = function() { var _ = this, opt = arguments[0], args = array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), l = _.length, i = 0, ret; for (i; i < l; i++) { if (typeof opt == 'object' || typeof opt == 'undefined') _[i].slick = new slick(_[i], opt); else ret = _[i].slick[opt].apply(_[i].slick, args); if (typeof ret != 'undefined') return ret; } return _; }; })); /* * jquery owlcarousel v1.3.3 * * copyright (c) 2013 bartosz wojciechowski * http://www.owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/ * * licensed under mit * */ /*js lint helpers: */ /*global dragmove: false, dragend: false, $, jquery, alert, window, document */ /*jslint nomen: true, continue:true */ if (typeof object.create !== "function") { object.create = function (obj) { function f() {} f.prototype = obj; return new f(); }; } (function ($, window, document) { var carousel = { init : function (options, el) { var base = this; base.$elem = $(el); base.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.owlcarousel.options, base.$elem.data(), options); base.useroptions = options; base.loadcontent(); }, loadcontent : function () { var base = this, url; function getdata(data) { var i, content = ""; if (typeof base.options.jsonsuccess === "function") { base.options.jsonsuccess.apply(this, [data]); 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